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The Power of Public Education:


Public school is open to all in our community.  In the State of Washington, it is designed for a spectrum of culture, faith, and ideology.  My wife and I were both publicly educated through high school and believe in the power of public education for our own children.  


Our district is made up of 67.5% white students, though the religious and cultural values of those students engage a wide mix of belief.  10.9% of students are two or more races, 2.5% of our students are black, 8% of our students are Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander, 9.8% are Hispanic/Latino, 0.5% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.8% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.  At schools in Dieringer School District, 14.2% of students are eligible to participate in the federal free and reduced price meal program and 4.2% of students are English language learners.[1]  I will be a Board Director for all 1,381 children in our district.


Education cultivates knowledge, values, and creativity, enabling our children to navigate the complexities of the world and make informed decisions as they grow. It equips children with essential life skills and fosters empathy and understanding.  Education can transcend boundaries and bridge gaps, providing a pathway to break free from cycles of poverty and inequality. It can empower children to pursue their passions, fulfill their aspirations, and contribute meaningfully to the betterment of society as they become adults.


I understand the transformative power of a well-rounded education. I will advocate for community partnerships, arts programming, parental involvement, and transparency, recognizing that it takes a village to raise a child.


No books should ever be removed from libraries based on personal discriminatory values of a small conservative few. Critical thinking, understanding and respecting diverse viewpoints should be the basis of public education. We have a responsibility to help students grow, understand where they come from in context, feel free to challenge convention and ask big questions, even if the answers are not tidy or remain unknown.


It is a great big world out there beyond the front porch, and learning how to respect the viewpoints of others and relate to humanity not only makes our own country stronger but helps our students to be global citizens too. This is the power of education and these are the values I want to teach to my children.




[1] USNews


Video coming soon:

Check back for more in the coming weeks!

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