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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Please help me make a difference


There are several fun events planned this summer, including a party, an event to get the kids involved, and of course, the volunteer activities listed below. This is a great way to meet new people!  Reach out to me for more information on what is happening.


That's great to hear that you want to volunteer and help me win a spot on the school board! Getting involved in local elections and supporting candidates is an important way to contribute to your community. Here are a few steps you can take to assist me in my campaign:


1. Contact me:  Reach out directly to express your interest in volunteering for the campaign. You can ask me about the specific areas where I need support and how you can contribute effectively. 


2. Identify your skills and availability: Determine the skills and resources you can offer to the campaign. These can include anything from canvassing and phone banking to graphic design, social media management, event planning, or fundraising. Assess your availability and the amount of time you can dedicate to volunteering.


3. Canvassing, phone banking: One of the most effective ways to support a candidate is by talking to voters directly. You can volunteer for canvassing, where you go door-to-door in the community, or phone banking, where you make calls to potential voters. These activities allow you to share information about my platform, listen to voters' concerns, and help build support for my candidacy.


4. Hanging signs:  We can definitely use some help getting my name out in the community!  Posting signage, wearing buttons and shirts deeply assists the visual impact to help voters remember me.


4. Engage on social media: Social media is a powerful tool for reaching a wider audience. Offer your assistance in managing my social media accounts, creating content, and engaging with the community online. Share updates about the campaign, promote events, and encourage supporters to get involved.


5. Recruit more volunteers: Spread the word about the campaign and encourage others to get involved. Recruit friends, family, and community members who share my vision and values to join the campaign as volunteers. The more people involved, the stronger the campaign will be.


Remember, it's essential to respect local election laws and regulations while engaging in campaign activities.  Thank you for helping me win a spot on the school board!


Your generous donations will make a significant impact on my campaign, allowing me to reach a wider audience, engage with voters, and implement my vision for our schools.  Your contribution, no matter how big or small, matters!

Join the My Campaign!


PO Box 1642

Auburn, WA 98071

Tel: 253-394-8801

Thanks for submitting!

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